Thursday, June 7, 2007

Thursday's Things Beginnings...

We're taking a lunch break
so I thought I'd share a few things
from our day so far.

This morning, after breakfast,
I had the privilege of listening to
Will's Sunday School lesson
for this upcoming Sunday.
(He is allowed to present a brief lesson)
He is speaking about
what Christ did for us on the cross...

Here are one of the visual aids
that his Sunday School teacher
is letting him use...

Afterward, I notice Beth was stenciling...

She was thrilled to stencil her alphabet...

After getting ready for the day,
we headed outside to start putting together
the gazebo/canopy I purchased last night.
Here is where we are putting it...

The younger ones were having fun
helping to get the pieces out of the box...

Ally didn't mind watching... lol...

It's quite warm today
so the lil' hard workers were eager for a water break...

After the box was empty of its contents,
we couldn't let it go to waste...

lol... we just couldn't resist!

Ally went inside to begin lunch...

Will helped in picking up the bubble wrap
that came from the box...

And the lil' girls enjoyed
turning the box into a ship...

Beth said they were hunting fish and whale.
Will said she was like "harpoon" Ned
from Jules Verne's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea".
I smiled at their creativity.

Will helped me to begin
putting the gazebo together...

It was exhausting on the arms
to hold them up that high for so long.
Ally shared with us how it reminded her
of when Moses had to hold his rod up
with his hands for an entire battle! Phew!
(story is in Exodus 17)
Will was thankful that he didn't have
to hold his arms up ALL day. lol

Now, we're off to finish the gazebo.
I hope to post photos later.
Hope y'all are enjoying your Thursday.


Paula said...

I can't wait to see the finished product. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi. I can't wait to see it! What are your plans for it? I can just see a small wicker couch inside with climing jasmine all around the outside. That would smell great! Does jasmine grow there?

Hey, we just started a weekly Thur. night ladies bible study at the church. I am so excited. There we a lot of ladies there.

Love the Lord, Lisa

HsKubes said...

Lisa ~ I'm not sure what our exact plans are for it, yet. Just to enjoy it. I do like your idea. ;o)
How wonderful that y'all started an evening Bible study and had a good turn out. Praying it will be a blessing to you.

~ Christina

Shereen said...

Britney saw me while I was reading your post, and she said, "mom, can we go over to play?" lol I'm with her. Can we come over to play? I love Will's red hair. ;0)

HsKubes said...

Reassure Britney that y'all are welcome ANY time. *Ü* That sure would be great, huh?
Oh, we're partial to Will's red hair, too. ;o) And, of course, the freckles to match.

~ Christina


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