Once upon a time...
a blogging journey was born...
as a young married woman and new homeschooling mom
sought to keep in touch with distant family and make new friends
by journaling her thoughts, her faith, and life experiences.
It was an amazing journey... one that cannot be described in few words.
The End...
After 6 years, prayer and contemplation and many life changes
the blogging journey had reached the end.
The end is now.
It is time to say good-bye to HsKubes' Haven at Home.
It's a strange thing to end a blog.
It is not a person and, therefore, it is not the same
as saying good-bye to a loved one...
but it is still a bittersweet departure,
as much of my life has been documented here,
as well as my heart, my thoughts, my faith... me.
I've been HsKubes long before I began blogging.
Seems odd to bring it to an end.
But for everything there is a season.
And the season for HsKubes' Haven at Home
has come to the end.
I am thankful for the friends I have met and made,
the experiences I have had and shared,
and the many lessons He has taught me.
But the time has come to say...
Good bye, HsKubes' Haven at Home.
It Continues...
Perhaps not in the same exact way...
but as there have been many changes this past year and a half,
new changes have brought forth a new journey...
and a new blog.
Friends and family,
Thank you for spending the time you have with us here.
I invite you to join us at our new blogging home...
It Is Your Life
Shalom Aleichem!
~ Christina