Saturday, September 15, 2007

Home Learning Plan Sheet...

Amid the busyness this week,
I sat at the computer to create something
that I could use for my record keeping.
It's a two page spread for 'lesson plans'.
I wanted to share them,
in case someone else could use them. ;o)

Below are the links:
Home Learning Plan Sheet
Home Learning Plan Sheet Page 2


~Bren~ said...

Those are great! Do you use one for each child or one for the family? I would think with the different levels it would be good for each child. Thanks for sharing!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank You Thank You for sharing these with me, I was just thinking today how I needed to get a plan sheet in order. Bless Ya

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

These are very nice. I have saved a copy in my files!

HsKubes said...

Bren ~ Thank you. I use one for each child. ;o) You are very welcome. I hope you are able to use them.

Tumbleweed ~ You are very welcome. ;o)

Amy ~ Thank you. ;o)

~ Christina

liz said...

i am new to your blogging and comments but i wanted to tell you what a blessing it is to read your activities on the website, you see alot of things on the web and i am thankful to find a truly christian webpage!!!! your family are a blessing to watch and grow in the Lord. liz

HsKubes said...

Liz ~ Thank you for visiting! And thank you, very much, for your kind words. They were such a blessing to me. I praise the Lord His Light is shining through here.

~ Christina

threelilmnms said...

Now, where do you load your forms to be able to share with everyone? I have to upload them to my yahoo group, but I'd love to learn of another way to do it for free.


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