Sharing a few snapshots from our past few days or so...
Celebrating our eldest's 16th birthday on Friday...

Enjoying our mother/daughter birthday luncheon...

Her favorite kind of food...

Also, on Friday, I was able to put my new servant to work!
Here it is mixing the sourdough for me!
No more painful wrists! Praise the Lord!
It has been such blessing being able to purchase this!

On Saturday, the girls and I went to our local library book sale
and were able to fill a paper bag full of books!
Then we went to a local new-to-me thrift store
and found a few lovely "treasures"...
lots of sheet music, lace tablecloths and cloth napkins,
and a china set made in occupied Japan!
It had been quite some time since I had been able to
thrift shop like that. It was a lot of fun doing it with our girls,
while the boys did "guy things". ;o)
Saturday evening, we had our
annual hot dog banquet at church.
It was a nice time of food, fun, and fellowship.
Here are a few shots of the children playing a game
where one person in the middle of a circle
had to toss a mini marshmallow in team member's mouths...

Sunday was a wonderful Lord's Day in His house!
Our Sunday School class
and our services have been such a blessing!
It is a real blessing when God's Truths from His Word
are boldly taught, preached, and lived in love.
Monday we decided to take the day off from
any structured learning and focused on
cleaning, downsizing, and organizing
the younger ones two bedrooms.
It was a real chore but it was well worth it!
I was able to simplify their rooms to where it will be
more realistic and easier for them to keep them up.
One photo I liked from that day
was Beth and Carolynne sitting at the dining room table,
eating their lunch wraps and reading their cookbook...

They got the cookbook as a gift from their great-grandma
and just love looking through it!
Their discussions tickle me, too. ;o)
Monday evening, Ally and I enjoyed
playing with a hat I had found in the lil' girls room...

Tuesday we cleaned a little more
and had friends over for the day.
It was a real blessing to visit and fellowship.
They stayed for supper, too,
and I just loved seeing the older girls at the dining room table
looking at a coloring book about India...

They enjoyed a little reader book on India, as well.
You're just never too old to enjoy
simple picture books and coloring books!
I hope y'all are enjoying your week and are enjoying
those simple, little pleasures and blessings in life!

"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits,
even the God of our salvation. Selah."
~ Psalm 68:19
Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter. Lovely pictures. I've never seen a break maker like that. Interesting. I have a sunbeam break maker but very very seldomly use it. My bread just doesn't take good using it. It has no yeast taste or smell at all. Do you by chance have any idea what could be causing this? I would love to use it so not have to knead everything by hand as well.
Oh those are such wonderful pictures! Ally's birthday looked like such fun!
I loved goinh throu gh this post!
You look very beautiful in that hat!
I think that that hat looks good on the BOTH of you :D Cute...
looks like the birthday was a HOOT.
I love the pictures. The BOSCH!!! I have been looking at those on the internet recently. I have heard some really good things about them. Since I just got my Kitchenaid, I'll have to wait on one of those.
This is such a lovely post. I agree with Isabel you look very beautiful in that hat!!
Happy belated birthday to you dearest Ally.
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