Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Blessing Our Home Chart...

A while ago, I was asked to share our Blessing Our Home Chart.

I was unable to print it to my Adobe Distiller
so I am posting it as a photo.
Please feel free to click on the image to enlarge it. ;o)

This is our current chart we are using,
though it is not completely thorough nor written in stone.
It is, as always, subject to change
but this is what is working for us, thus far.
We currently have it hanging on our fridge
for our daily (obvious) reminder,
lest we forget to bless our home. ;o)


Grafted Branch said...

Love that chore chart! I was breaking the 10th commandment over it, until I just decided to break the 8th and swipe it. ;)

In all seriousness, your mentorship in this blesses homes outside your own, so THANKS!

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

That is a great chart!

Debbie said...

I had a chart, but things will change now we have a different home- this has only encouraged me to get to it!!

PlainJane said...

Oh, that's the BEST chart I have ever seen (and I've seen quite a few). Love the colors and that even Mama's duties are listed. I have been thinking about updating our chart a bit, I love the 10th Commandment/8th Commandment comment above, I might have to do the same. lol Now all's I need is a couple more workers. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful chart! Thank you for sharing it. We have lovingly adopted the same chart idea and are very grateful for your sharing.


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