FOR TODAY... February 16, 2009
Outside my window...
the sun is brightly shining in a bright blue sky,
the crisp, cold air is only in the 30s
I am thinking...
of what our day will involve
I am thankful for...
God's perfect, preserved Word
and that It is preached in love at our church;
for the blessing of home educating our children
From the learning rooms...
we continue to learn about Ancient Egypt,
are beginning a new country
for geography/missions (Japan),
and we will continue with
our daily seatwork, reading aloud, etc...
From the kitchen...
the aroma of coffee fills the house.
On the menu:
M ~ tacos and rice
T ~ chicken alfredo/garlic bread
W ~ crockpot sloppy joes/mac & cheese
Th ~ chicken and stuffing
F ~ sourdough pizza
I am wearing...
cream square neck dress with mauve floral print
I am creating...
a white regency dress to go with the finished pelisse
I am reading...
Exodus, Psalm, Matthew {KJB};
Boyhood and Beyond;
Passionate Houswives Desperate for God
I am hoping (praying)...
the Lord continues to work in the lives
of the family and friends I am praying for
I am hearing...
Daddy, Ally, and Will have a conversation
at the dining room table (Daddy has the day off) Ü
Around the house...
a little home blessing (cleaning) is needed from the weekend
One of my favorite things...
spending quality time with my family
A few plans for the rest of the week...
continue in our homeschool studies,
go to piano lessons that Ally teaches,
attend our midweek service at church,
go to our homeschool group park day,
take Ally out to Red Lobster for her 16th birthday,
and celebrate her birthday at home.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Deuteronomy 6:7
What a blessing to answer the call!