Our day started off a little slow moving, which is a good thing sometimes. ;o) While I worked on today's earlier post, the children were busy about...
Will and Carolynne enjoyed playing the piano and singing hymns together. It was a joyful noise... but music to my ears!
Beth was more interested in doing 'school work'. She has been a very eager learner this year.
Ally worked on pre-calculus. The smile is a product of the shortcuts that she has been learning in the last chapters (and because she's almost finished with it!). She, also, had a chemistry experiment, which always makes me just a tad nervous (something about playing with dangerous chemicals).
This afternoon, we met with Daddy to renew our DOD (base) stickers and military ID cards. The wait wasn't too bad and we were thankful. This was the last time we'll have to renew before retirement! (Boy, that sounds weird!)
This evening, Ally made lasagna for supper and Daddy invited a friend over since his wife is away visiting family (miss you, Lisa!). It is such a blessing that Ally enjoys being in the kitchen! And the meal was delicious!
Before I go, I wanted to share a photo from this morning... It's no secret that Will is surrounded by girls. And, though, at times he may wonder what it would be like to have a brother around, he knows that his sisters are a special treasure and blessing...
That's the look of a well-loved brother! ;o)
"And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you:" ~ 1 Thessalonians 3:12
Writing Will... a self-motivated cursive learner ;o)
Arithmetic Ally... working away at pre-calculus
Mommy continues to chisel away at Mount Washmore, which is a wonderful opportunity for prayer (praying for the one you are folding for). I am, also, working on a few hand written letters. For a brief time this afternoon, we were blessed by Daddy's presence for lunch, which is a wonderful and welcomed "interuption". ;o)
We are looking forward to being in the Lord's house and fellowshipping with God's people this evening.
I hope y'all are enjoying your day!
"...I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." ~ John 10:10b
Almost 10 years ago, my daddy wedded his wife. Very early this morning, she passed away after a very long battle with lung cancer. She professed to be saved and we are thankful for the blessed hope and assurance that we will see her in Heaven.
"But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him." ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14
I hope y'all enjoyed your weekend. Saturday, my beloved desired to tackle the garage. There were boxes stuffed in corners and stacked against the walls that we haven't even looked at or touched since we moved here! But we enjoyed working together. ;o) The children, too, enjoyed working with us and playing in the driveway...
Will and Beth assessing the situation with Daddy
Ally enjoying her old pogo stick. lol
Beth trying it, too (with Daddy's help) ;o)
Beth and Carolynne enjoying all of the boxes
Will, willing to take the girls for a ride
Carolynne... curbside pondering
We were glad to get much accomplished, though not completely finished. ;o)
Sunday, we enjoyed being in the Lord's house. We look forward to every time the doors are opened. Fellowshipping with God's people is such a special blessing! During the morning service, the children recited a Scripture and sang "Jesus Loves Me/O How I Love Jesus"
Sunday evening, Ally played an offeratory. She chose the song "El Shaddai", using her own rendition of it that she composed Sunday afternoon. Here's the video...
You can stop the background music on my blog in the left sidebar.
Our pastor has a sermon that he shares once a year. He, mainly, gears it towards the children but knows that the adults glean from it as well. I just thought I'd share my outline (notes) (emphasis in Scripture added by me)...
The CandyBar Sermon
1. PayDay Our "payday" is coming
"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." ~ Romans 6:23
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." ~ Romans 3:23
2. Mr. Goodbar Our only good is through Jesus Christ
"And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith" ~ Philippians 3:9
3. Goo Goo Bar
Be in His Word
"As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby". ~ 1 Peter 2:2
4. Snickers Many 'snicker' at the cross
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." ~ 1 Corinthians 1:18
5. Crunch Satan seeks to "crunch" you
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your advesary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." ~ 1 Peter 5:8
6. Almond Joy Be joyful in all things
"Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say rejoice." ~ Philippians 4:4
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith." ~ Galatians 5:22
7. Symphony He is our Conductor, orchestrating His good
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." ~ Romans 8:28
8. Milky Way Past the 'Milky Way' is Heaven
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hopeby the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." ~ 1 Peter 1:3
"To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you." ~ 1 Peter 1:4
9. Butterfinger When we 'slip' up and sin, He forgives
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." ~ 1 John 1:9
10. Twix We have a choice between two... serve God or not
"And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." ~ Joshua 24:15
Since we celebrated Ally's 15th birthday this week, I wanted to share a couple of photos...
Tuesday evening, Daddy decided to make supper and spend the evening with the younger ones and sent Ally and Mommy out for Ally's birthday supper. Ally chose her favorite place to eat...
We had a precious mother/daughter/friend time. And she even took her bib home for a keepsake. lol
Wednesday we spent much of the day cooking for our pastor's family (to be a blessing as they deal with their recent loss) and Ally, also, worked on her birthday cake (which she enjoys making). She made a Double-Layered Mocha Cheesecake. We celebrated, after church, with the cheesecake and rainbow sherbert...
Then she enjoyed playing piano with her new book... And, of course, we enjoyed hearing her play. ;o)
I do hope y'all have enjoyed your week. We are still settling in, unpacking things from our trip, doing laundry, getting the house put back together, etc... and we hope to soon return to some resemblance of normalcy. I have heartfelt intentions of responding to the many comments and emails I've received but know that it may take some time. ;o)
I hope y'all enjoy your weekend and have a blessed Lord's Day!
"My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God." ~ Psalm 84:2
"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." ~ Psalm 118:24
15 years ago today, the Lord blessed us with our first precious child...
(age 2)
She has been such a joy and every birthday is bittersweet, though we delight in seeing the young woman she is becoming... (age 15)
Happy 15th Birthday, Ally! You thrill our hearts! We love you more than we can express!
"Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth." ~ Psalm 127:3-4
Below is something I wrote two years ago but it, certainly, applies still and I wanted to share...
Sigh..... Well, it's almost here. Our oldest's 13th birthday. Tomorrow is the day... She is excited to be turning 13 finally...
Finally... finally... finally! finally? finally??? Has it been 13 years already??? It doesn't seem that long ago that I carried her in my womb, feeling her move and poke and hiccup. It doesn't seem 13 years that we drove through a snow storm to birth our precious first born daughter and child. The Lord, in His great wisdom, gave her to me... knowing that He would use her to forever change my life.
Has it really been that long since she first told me she didn't want to wear diapers anymore and then refused to wear them? Has it been that long since she would sit in my lap and help me read to her so she could learn to read as well? Has it been that long since she said, after 1 day of having her first bike, that she wanted us to take off her training wheels and took it upon herself to do it since we thought she should wait? Boy, she showed us... she didn't fall... not even once. Has it been that long since she was a little girl that mommy could dress in frilly, dainty clothes? Now she is making her own mature, responsible decisions in modest clothing... Has it really been that long since I've been 'Mommy' instead of 'Mom'? Praise God for our precious memories that will always be dear to our hearts!
Ally is growing into such a kind and beautiful, young lady. She is compassionate, funny, clever, and loves to learn. Her young heart is tender towards the Lord. I have been blessed with seeing such maturity in handling different situations and able to see spiritual things. She is quirky and smart. She is creative and gifted in many ways. She loves the Lord and desires to serve Him. She is faithful in her quiet time. She is outgoing and confident.
I'm am thrilled and excited about our relationship. I'm honored, blessed, and eager to take our relationship to another stage of growth. To be able to be her friend and an influence... an encourager and a listener... and still her teacher, mentor, mother, mom, and, yes, still Mommy, too. We still read aloud together... though she doesn't sit in my lap still... *Ü* .... but it does remind me of those days and we still have a closeness that is just like the one we had the day she was born and I held her for the first time.... except it is deeper, full of heartfelt memories that we will both cherish for a lifetime and I have faith that she will pass on wonderful memories to her children as well.
Oh, how I love her. Oh, how I love all of the children the Lord has entrusted me with. Gulp... I will do what I can not to cry. There is such a deep ache in my heart for her. A feeling that I can't exactly express in words... I'm sure other mommies can understand... is my heart really my own? I can't say that I think it is... it belongs to my husband and my children. They are SO precious to me. I feel like I must have multiple hearts beating within me... It's hard to comprehend how just one can hold so much love and emotion.
I think of how much I LOVE my children and it makes me think... the depths of my love, the ache in my heart for them, the over abundance of tenderhearted fondness I have for them.... it's nothing... not in comparison to how God feels towards them... or for me... or for all of His children. To think that how I feel towards my children is only a fraction of what He feels for His children. Isn't He Wonderful?!!
Growing up, holding on, and letting go... it must be the most bittersweet experience in life... but, oh, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
Happy... Birthday, Ally. I am so proud of you, honey. I am so happy and so blessed that the Lord entrusted you to me. You are growing into such a compassionate and kind, young lady that is growing in the Lord and loves Him. I have and will cherish every moment with you. I love you, Ally, with all of my heart. ~ Love, Mommy
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." ~ 3 John 1:4
Our days have been flying by ever since Daddy came home! Even though it was the funeral of my grandpa that resulted in our trip, we were thrilled to go see family! It had been about four years since we had been "home" for a visit. It was a long journey but it was a beautiful one!
The mountains were as majestic as ever...
Here are a few views of the mountains on a slideshow...
One of the favorite parts for the children was going into the tunnels through the mountains...
I would say the most favorite part happened as we got farther north and the children saw the first signs of snow! They were SO thrilled (and so was I)! Dad was a little less thrilled as he was the one driving in it. The visibility was not good and the roads were slick. We were thankful for his cautious wisdom. ;o)
Once we arrived at our destination, we greeted Grandma and Great-Grandma! Dad went outside to shovel snow, Ally followed. When I checked on them they were already enjoying the fresh snowfall with a snowball fight...
The next morning, the younger ones were very eager to go out and enjoy the beautiful snow...
They enjoyed the snow the entire time we were there!
Well, not all enjoyed it quite the same way. ;o) lol
Not only did we get to drive in a snowstorm on the way up, but we, also, drove in one as we visited a family member. The snowfall was so beautiful...
Even one of the Great Lakes was freezing over...
And the driving conditions, again, were very poor. The roads had yet to be plowed and salted...
Praise the Lord for His protection!
While out, we showed the children the Canadian bridge... They were tickled to see the shores of Canada.
In addition to enjoying the weather while we were there, we loved the moments that we were able to spend with family... The children got to meet their cousins... They enjoyed playing together... especially games of hide-and-seek. As they played, I was able to visit with my brother and sister and their spouses, which was such a delight! (Here is a picture of Ally with my sister and my brother in the background. LOL)
Daddy and my brother
It was a blessing, too, to visit with my daddy, who is in poor health (and tending to his wife, who is in her final stages of battling cancer).
Much of our time was spent with my mom and grandma. Mommy and I ;o) (unfortuneately, a little blurry)
Grandma giving Ally a slice of birthday cake (with a lollipop as a candle) as Ally plays "Happy Birthday" on her guitar and we all sing the words.
We enjoyed every moment of our visit! Here were the children in Great-Grandma's room as she sorted through some of her things to pass on to them...
I just can't resist sharing the picture of Carolynne and her Great-Grandma Carolyn (whom she is named after)...
Here was Ally playing her guitar and singing as Great-Grandma was resting... It was a precious time and it was a blessing to minister to her heart through song, especially during this time.
They, also, enjoyed being with Daddy (of course!)... ;o)
A little fun at the hotel...
Did I mention enjoying the weather and the snow?
Also, while we were there, I was able to meet a few fellow bloggers (ladies I, also, know from a message board), Amy from Life's Small Treasures, Kristy Jo from Extravagent Housewife, and Kristen from Proudmomto2. It was such a joy to meet them, to visit their church, and spend much time in fellowship (with food, of course)! Here is a photo of Kristy Jo, me, and Amy... It was so delightful to fellowship with them.
Even the men folk loved their time of fellowship!
As did the children...
What a precious blessing it is to share sweet fellowship with God's people!
Eventually, our trip had to come to an end, we packed up the van and headed home. On our way, we were able to stop in Ohio (where we lived years ago) and visit with my friend, Sharon, and her family. We enjoyed our afternoon (and supper) with them.
Then we were back on the road...
We arrived home Saturday evening and were thrilled to be at our home church Sunday morning. We had a men's quartet visiting and a wonderful sermon (in the morning and evening). It is good to be home, though we loved our visit!
Thank you all for your prayers. I hope to catch up with comments and emails soon. ;o) Enjoy your week!