Saturday, July 10, 2010

Haven at Home Happenings...

Another busy week draws to an end.
On Monday, the 5th, we gathered with
our church family for a picnic at a local park...
Lots of food, fun, and fellowship...

{our pastor's wife speaking to this young lady
about her relationship with Jesus Christ}

It was a blessing to spend hours at the park
with our church family!

On Tuesday, we visited with a sister-in-Christ
that recently had surgery.
We took her some homemade sourdough bread,
tended to her dogs, and fellowshipped with her.
It was a blessing, indeed!
It is such a joy to hear
how the LORD works in others' lives!

On Wednesday, another sister-in-Christ
came to visit with us, as her husband
had just left for a few weeks on a ship (Navy).
We enjoyed our fellowship with her
and her dog. Suzie was glad to make a new friend! ;o)
While they were visiting there was an earthquake!
It wasn't a large one but it was felt here.
Somehow I didn't really notice it
but our guest and Ally both did!
I was thankful for JEHOVAH's protection.

Thursday and Friday were chilly and gray,
the perfect days to enjoy the pleasures of home. :o)
And we did!
I was able to get two new bookshelves
and empty seven boxes of books! A blessing!
In addition, I chiseled away at Mount Washmore
and began sewing, again, on my regency dress.
All of us enjoyed being home...

Will making breakfast one morning...

while the lil' girls "worked on" his bike...

Making creation notebooks

One evening, the younger ones
were having their own olympics outside.
The hurdles...

After their hard work at the 'olympics',
we cleaned up, got ready for bed,
and snuggled together to read aloud.
It was such a blessing to read them
a wholesome bedtime story that
encourages family closeness and love,
learning at home, homesteading, and biblical training
and to see it portrayed as a normal Christian home.
The picture book we read was "My Mommy, My Teacher" by Johannah Bluedorn

Friday morning, as I was sitting in my computer chair
I began hearing an odd ticking sound under my chair...
Before I could look, "ka-boom", a grenade exploded
and I was launched across the room!
I think the lil' girls that strategically planted the grenade
were a bit astonished, but we all had a wonderful laugh! lol

Soon afterwards, they were presenting themselves
as a cowgirl and a musketeer...
protecting the people and the king...

Will gave his mind a workout...

And Ally decided to sit at the table and sew with me.
She sewed together a skirt...

It was a good week...
Not just because His blessings were throughout it
but because He is a good God...
the One and Only True God.

"But the LORD (JEHOVAH) is the true God,
he is the living God, and an everlasting king:
at his wrath the earth shall tremble,
and the nations shall not be able
to abide his indignation."

Jeremiah 10:10

Whether you believe it or not,
JEHOVAH is the One and Only God...
whether you want to be or not... you ARE under HIM.

1 comment:

The Wandering Yankee said...

Another wonderful post! I just LOVE reading about your family and your life. Once again, thank you for sharing!


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