Thursday, July 22, 2010

Haven at Home Happenings: Wednesday's Ways...

{thoughts and tidbits from our day}

~ Woke in the early A.M. with my beloved

~ Enjoyed creamy coffee in the early morning silence

~ Quiet time searching the Scriptures

~ Lil' girls climbing fences

~ Young man reading about his Creator

~ Young lady encouraging others

~ Mama and afternoon tea

~ Snuggles from Suzie

~ trip to the commissary

~ watched helicopters land and take off

~ back road exploring to see Mexico border

{arrows indicate border fence}

{big city in Mexico}

{highway caution sign due to border}

~ Listened to GPS measure in meters/kilometers
due to being so near the border

~ afternoon tea and singing at piano with eldest

~ load of laundry done

~ shuffled through homeschool catalog

~ enjoyed listening about hubby's day

~ took in the pleasures of our Creator
from our backyard

"Oh that men would
praise the LORD for his goodness,
and for his wonderful works
to the children of men!"

Psalm 107:8


Elizabeth said...

Christina! When has your hair become so curly? It seems I completely missed any posts on that topic. I completely love it!

HsKubes said...

Dear Elizabeth ~
Actually, I did not share this tidbit. In April, I got a perm... a decision that I, now, regret (as I miss the ease of having it straight and wish I hadn't put those chemicals on my head) but am making the best out of it until it grows out. ;o) Thank you, though, for your kind words. *Ü* My beloved does like the look of it, though I can be scary some mornings. lol


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