For today... Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Outside my window...
the skies are bright, gray, and cloudy,
there's a chill in the air,
and the beauty of the city
can be seen in the horizon
I am thinking...
of how wonderful JEHOVAH is!
I am thankful for...
how my Heavenly Father,
my Creator, my Savior,
loves me
I am wearing...
a blue suede jumper
with a tan 3/4 sleeve t-shirt
I am remembering...
the LORD's wonderful works
that HE has done in my life recently;
and special friends that we
departed from when we moved
I am reading...
through my KJ Bible in a year,
{I fell behind last year so I am doing this in a year and a half}
currently in Jeremiah, 1 Peter;
lesson in our Sunday evening Bible study
I am hoping (praying)...
for the Holy Spirit to work His perfect will
in our eldest's life
and for His protection over her,
for my brother and his family
as they are going through a
very difficult time right now
On my mind...
unpacking boxes
From the learning rooms...
only natural learning
is going on right now
as I make our new house a home
Noticing that...
the LORD is faithful
Pondering these words...
"We lie down in our shame,
and our confusion covereth us;
for we have sinned against the LORD our God,
we and our fathers,
from our youth even unto this day,
and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God."
~ Jeremiah 3:25
... read this in my quiet time with HIM ...
meditating on it as I ask HIM
to open my eyes where I have not obeyed HIM.
From the kitchen...
a little clean up is needed
On the menu...
today is italian chicken & pasta
Then a new menu is needed
Around the house...
the children are up
and busy about the house
I am creating...
a new haven at home ;o)
I am hearing...
the lil' girls playing together
in a big box,
Will playing a game
at the dining room table;
Ally is quietly reading
in the family room
One of my favorite things...
A few plans for the rest of the week...
unpack many more boxes;
chisel away at Mount Washmore;
go grocery shopping;
possibly help the mission team
that is visiting our church this week;
work on memorizing my Scripture verse
and meditation with Pastor's wife;
continue making our house a home
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

"I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait,
and in his word do I hope."
~ Psalm 130:5
Have a blessed week!

Outside my window...
the skies are bright, gray, and cloudy,
there's a chill in the air,
and the beauty of the city
can be seen in the horizon
I am thinking...
of how wonderful JEHOVAH is!
I am thankful for...
how my Heavenly Father,
my Creator, my Savior,
loves me
I am wearing...
a blue suede jumper
with a tan 3/4 sleeve t-shirt
I am remembering...
the LORD's wonderful works
that HE has done in my life recently;
and special friends that we
departed from when we moved
I am reading...
through my KJ Bible in a year,
{I fell behind last year so I am doing this in a year and a half}
currently in Jeremiah, 1 Peter;
lesson in our Sunday evening Bible study
I am hoping (praying)...
for the Holy Spirit to work His perfect will
in our eldest's life
and for His protection over her,
for my brother and his family
as they are going through a
very difficult time right now
On my mind...
unpacking boxes
From the learning rooms...
only natural learning
is going on right now
as I make our new house a home
Noticing that...
the LORD is faithful
Pondering these words...
"We lie down in our shame,
and our confusion covereth us;
for we have sinned against the LORD our God,
we and our fathers,
from our youth even unto this day,
and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God."
~ Jeremiah 3:25
... read this in my quiet time with HIM ...
meditating on it as I ask HIM
to open my eyes where I have not obeyed HIM.
From the kitchen...
a little clean up is needed
On the menu...
today is italian chicken & pasta
Then a new menu is needed
Around the house...
the children are up
and busy about the house
I am creating...
a new haven at home ;o)
I am hearing...
the lil' girls playing together
in a big box,
Will playing a game
at the dining room table;
Ally is quietly reading
in the family room
One of my favorite things...
A few plans for the rest of the week...
unpack many more boxes;
chisel away at Mount Washmore;
go grocery shopping;
possibly help the mission team
that is visiting our church this week;
work on memorizing my Scripture verse
and meditation with Pastor's wife;
continue making our house a home
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

"I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait,
and in his word do I hope."
~ Psalm 130:5
Have a blessed week!

Hi Christina,
I have missed this post the most lately. You encourage me in my walk with the Lord. It is so wonderful to see you making your new home a haven.
What are you memorizing?
What a blessing to the pastor's wife, that you are able to fellowship with her in a time where they seem to be just starting out....How Awesome God is to bring you to someone who needs the fellowship. I am amazed at how God works thru us!
Elizabeth ~ Thank you. I have really missed doing this daybook, too.
We are memorizing Genesis 2:18 (really just reviewing right now) along with the meditation. We are using Ron Hood's Scripture pack for being a good wife. I just LOVE his resources and they are inexpensive, too. ;o) The LORD dealt with me regarding being the wife HE wants me to be, especially while we were living in the camper for so long. HE led me to begin memorizing Scripture, again, and when my pastor's wife and I were speaking, she was sharing something similar and said she had wanted to memorize those verses, too, since she had the Scripture pack, also. We felt it was no coincidence so we agreed to begin memorizing together. ;o)
I hope you are doing well. Praying for you.
~ Christina
Tara ~ The LORD is truly good! I think HE knew we needed each other. It has been such a tremendous blessing to become a part of this group of believers. The spirit in this church is precious. It is one of sincerity and love. It has been a wonderful thing to see how the LORD is working in new believers and in those that are 'aged' believers. Such a blessing, indeed!
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