In participation with
the Valentine's Prayer Pledge,
below is a 7 day prayer plan
that I've had in my prayer journal
for my beloved.
My plan is to use this
and another plan that I have,
combining and changing them,
as the Lord leads,
along with my regular daily prayer.
In this prayer plan
there is Scripture that pertains
to the request.
Praying Scripture is praying God's will
and is very powerful.
Side note: I do not know
where I aquired this list
(it was years ago).
7 Day Pray Plan for My Beloved
~ Sunday ~
Pray that he would become
a holy man, a man of prayer,
mature in the Lord,
growing in his knowledge of God.
1 Thess. 5:23; Col.4:12;
Eph.6:18; 1:18-19; 3:16-19
~ Monday ~
Pray that he would learn
to take every thought captive,
to not be conformed
to the world's thinking
and to think Scripturally.
That he would learn
not to depend on
his circumstances for happiness
but on God alone.
Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 10:15;
Habakkuk 3:17-19
~ Tuesday ~
Pray that he would have new strength
in the midst of his busy schedule
and that the Lord might
infuse him with strength.
Pray that his self-image
would be a reflection
of the Lord's thoughts towards him.
Isaiah 40:31; Ephesians 3:14-19; 1:17-19;
Romans 12:3; Psalm 139
~Wednesday ~
Pray he would become a called man,
not driven,
with well thought-through
and prayed-through goals in life.
Pray the Lord would give him
wisdom to lead his family
physically, emotionally,
mentally, and spiritually.
1 Cornthians 9:24-27;
Ephesians 1:17-19; James 1:5-7
~ Thursday ~
Pray he would stand firm
against schemes of the devil
and resist Satan in all circumstances.
Pray he would not be deceived
into unbelief and sin.
Ephesians 6:10-18; James 4:7;
Galatians 6:7
~ Friday ~
Pray the fruit of the Spirit
would be exhibited more
and more in his life.
Pray he would learn to love
as God commands.
Galatians 5:22-23; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7;
Romans 12:8-10
~ Saturday ~
Pray the Lord would
protect him, guard his courses.
Pray he would learn
to manage his time well.
Proverbs 2:8; Ephesians 5:15
I just found your blog and I am delighted in the find. My brother was a Marine, so Marines are special to us. In looking around in your blog I found this prayer help. Thank you for taking the time to put this together. It will give me some help in praying for my husbamd as well. I will be checking your site often. I can see that we probably have much in common.
Sharlene ~ Thank you for visiting! How neat that your brother was a Marine, too. Thank him for serving our country.
I hope you find this list helpful. I have it in the beginning of my prayer journal and it has been helpful to me.
I briefly visited your website and it looks very interesting. I look forward to visiting again.
Hope to hear from you, again, sometime. It's always a blessing to meet like-minded sisters and kindred spirits. ;o)
~ Christina
Hey Christina~
This is so wonderful, thanks. I wrote it all down a few weeks ago and today I was starting to write it into my prayer journal. As I was reading the scriptures for the prayer of the day I was trying to figure out how 2 Corinthians 10:15 went with Monday's prayer? If you could explain that to me I would really apprieciate it!
Christian Love
MarineMama (Megan)
I love this!I have been asking the Lord for a better way to pray for my husband, thank you for posting this.
Thank you for sharing your prayer plan for your husband. I believe it is so essential for wives to be praying for their husbands as they are leading us. What could we be doing for them that is more important.
lovely music also.
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