Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Little Things Along the Way...

Oh, how I delight in those 'little things', those 'little' milestones,
as our children take the journey to adulthood!
They are bittersweet moments... but I love them.

Beth & Carolynne discovered a little while back
that they don't need Mama to help them
pick out a dress and get ready for the day.
They play so creatively and speak in sentences
that, sometimes, blow my mind away.

Last night they all discovered to their delight
that they all love that 'ugly', brown, hairy fruit
that is slimy and green on the inside... a kiwi. lol
I was tickled to see their taste buds growing, too.

Will discovered yesterday that he could, indeed,
survive and even watch as he took a trip to the lab
and they filled two viles with his blood. (It was his first time!)
He, also, learned there how the Lord answers prayer
and will strengthen us and that in our fear,
He will help us be of good courage.
This morning he crossed over from liquid to pill,
when he found that it was possible
to swallow a pill (the "adult" medicine Ü)
and began learning the art of doing so.

Ally is learning spiritual Truths and personal application
through her illness and other circumstances
that many do not learn until adulthood or not at all.
And she continues to change and grow
from the relationship of daughter
to the addition of being a dear friend.

What a blessing it is to see these "little things" along the way...
as they go from being children
to being young ladies, young women, and a young man.

Thank you, Lord, for the ministry of being a mother!
May I walk worthy of the calling.

"I have no greater joy than to hear
that my children walk in truth."
~ 3 John 1:4

1 comment:

PlainJane said...

Yes, it is bittersweet, an emotional thing to think about. But God is good and we are blessed beyond measure. Now I'm hungry for kiwi. :)


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