Friday, June 27, 2008

Breaking the Bloggie Silence... Again

I had no idea that we would get so busy!
2 1/2 weeks have gone by since I've last posted
and much has been happening.

Two weeks ago, the children and I
packed up our van and drove 1,000 miles North
to come take care of my mama as she recovers
from her open heart surgery and other physical ailments.
It was a long drive but it was, also, such a blessing
to admire God's wondrous creation on the way!
(All of the photos in this post can be clicked on to enlarge)

The mountains are so breathtaking!

A sign we saw in West Virginia.
I added the Scripture.

It took us two days of driving but we arrived safely.
A few days after we arrived my mama
went back into the hospital for a week.
She is home now and doing better.
(Thank you for your prayers)

While mama was in the hospital
we were able to visit with her twice a day.
During our visits, the Lord blessed us
by allowing us to see His creation...
a rabbit finding his meal,
a mourning dove sitting on its nest,
and a rock dove sitting on its nest, too.
The rock dove was close to the ground
and we were able to see it very well...

During one of our hospital visits,
Ally asked to visit with my mama's roomate
(an elderly lady who had suffered a stroke).
She gave her flowers (with a tract)
and spent about 20 minutes talking and listening to her.
It was a blessing to see her desire to reach out her.

While my mom was in the hospital,
we made good use of our time
by visiting with my grandma
and visiting with my dad
(who lives a just a little down the road)

We enjoyed one afternoon going to the pond
that is close to his home...

Ally fishing with my sister

Sites at the pond...

At grandma's (also my mama's) house,
we were very blessed to have a sparrow family
right outside the window.
We were able to watch them all week
as mama sparrow worked to feed her little ones
from sun up to sunset...

The lil' girls have enjoyed playing doctor...

Here they traveled to the living room one morning
and fell back asleep together...

It was such a precious sight.

We have, also, enjoyed a local park...

And, of course, who can resist a summer without bubbles...

It has been a blessing to be here,

helping out my mama (and my grandma & dad),
though we miss Daddy dearly!

We sure appreciate your continued prayers
as my mama is recovering.

Hope y'all are enjoying your summer, too!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Breaking the Bloggy Silence...

How do I know when it's been too long since I've last blogged?
When my beloved comes to me and says
that he's noticed I haven't blogged in a while. lol
When he was in Iraq, I knew he read our blog almost daily
but I had no idea he continued to when he returned home.

I'm not sure why I haven't blogged lately.
We've been keeping busy with life and tending to hearts,
and I, also, confess that my blogging motivation has been down.
The Lord has been Faithful in revealing many areas
that I need to be working on
and that it really is okay to let my blog go unattended.
In addition, my mama has been in the hospital
for the past few weeks
(she has kidney disease, congestive heart failure, and pneumonia
and underwent open heart surgery last week)
and has been unable to read our blog
and I guess I just didn't want her to miss out
on seeing photos of her grandchildren. ;o)

Though I don't have much time to write this morning,
I wanted to bring our photos up-to-date.
Also, thank you to those that were praying
for my beloved and I as we travelled to SC.
We spent four days cleaning our house there
and are praying the Lord will sell it soon.
We sure would appreciate your prayers, too.

Before I close and begin our day,
here are a few moments from our weeks past...

Carolynne doing her copywork

Beth doing her copywork

Will working on his typing skills

Ally improving her cooking skills ;o)
It's been a blessing to have her "taking over" the kitchen.
She is enjoying to opportunity to practice
her keeping the home skills, too!

Ally working with Carolynne during her piano lesson

Ally working with Beth during her violin lesson

Will and Ally working together during his piano lesson

Ally enjoying her own time at the piano

We, also, managed to 'squeeze in'
a particular event last week... ;o)

(wearing the dress that Ally made me for my birthday)

Discovering the children doing a Bible lesson together...

(and drawing outlines to go with the lesson!)

Ally's new objects of affection...

"Cutes & Puff"

Dad and Will having a 'man moment'
as they make hamburger patties together...

It was Will's first time to 'get his hands dirty'
in preparing supper on the grill...

The younger ones enjoying and examining
God's creation in their fascination...

the object of fasination...

a toad!

It is such a delight to intently watch and observe
these precious blessings that the Lord
has entrusted us with!
And I delight, though not necessarily an easy task,
in tending to their hearts.
What a calling and responsibility we have as mothers!
May I not falter nor grow weary
nor pursue my own selfish desires.
May I fight the good fight and finish my course (2 Tim.4:7).
May I be diligent to know the state of my flocks
and to look well to my herds (Prov. 27:23).
May I reach Heaven's door and it be said of me
"...well done, thou good and faithful servant..." (Matt.25:21)


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